Our products can be specifically tailored to individual, organisational and community requirements
Creative seasonal meditations
Seasonal workshops of plant development: Artistic exploration of the different seasons, developing a nurturing and healing narrative through lived experience
Zoom events/courses or live events in the WELEDA UK garden: Supporting customer’s well-being and resilience and self-confidence through nurturing their relationship with nature
Accessible therapeutic online offers: Making social responsibility visible to the world through engaging in a therapeutic gesture to the public in a climate of extreme change
Group work and 1:1: Reducing loneliness, isolation, anxiety and stress through reaching out in regular intervals via Zoom with creative inquiries, tailored to the participant's situations
1 hr 30 min
10 eurosLoading days...
325 eurosStarted Jan 1, 1970
225 eurosLoading days...
225 eurosLoading days...
100 euros